Russell Laboratories Ltd. is committed to reducing the impact of its activities on the environment and assisting our customers by encouraging them to use sustainable resources. Russell Laboratories carries out electroplating and chemical processing operations which could have an impact on the environment. Russell Laboratories carries out its business activities in a way that meets the company’s environmental targets. To aid this strategic direction Russell Laboratories is currently re-developing the site and developing a new building to house an ion exchange water plant to reduce water consumption. The organisation is committed to improving its environmental performance within its range of operations by pursuing the following objectives:
To provide the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets and provide a clear commitment to comply with the other requirements and regulations to which the organisation is subscribed that relate to its environmental aspects. This will be done through:
1. Minimising emissions, preventing pollution and improving waste management schemes so that they have as little impact as possible on the environment.
2. Reducing consumption of natural resources through the efficient use of energy and raw materials. Renewable and recycled resources are to be used whenever possible.
3. To minimise noise and other nuisances.
To ensure compliance with applicable legislation and regulations and other requirements such as:
1. Southern Water discharge consents.
2. The Environment Agency Cadmium Plating Permit (PPC permit).
To raise awareness through the provision of appropriate training and information to employees, suppliers and customers.
To continuously improve its environmental performance by conducting regular audits and using action plans to meet environmental targets and objectives.
In the unlikely event of an environmental incident occurring at Russell Laboratories the organisation will actively assist in any investigation.
To make its environmental information and policy available to all employees and interested parties.
The necessary personnel and financial resources will be allowed to assist the organisation in meeting its environmental objectives and targets that will be reviewed as appropriate. In addition the organisation will continue to raise the levels of environmental awareness throughout the workforce and to promote the awareness to its customers and suppliers.
Russell Laboratories is committed to implementing and maintaining an International Environment Management System adhering to the requirements of ISO 14001.